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Thank you for letting me know not to contact you regarding my sincere concerns of the material you are teaching my son. As thoughtful as you feel your responses were at the town hall, they did not represent my nor others’ beliefs and I do not feel a commitment to excellence is being portrayed by teaching a unit on an opinion based book while ignoring any opposing opinions/views as if they don’t exist. I am glad I have been made fully aware by such responses as have others and I will be responsible for teaching my child the opposing…
Mrs. Ferri, I respectfully request that you please leave me off of any future mass email communications, particularly as it pertains to the 8th grade ELA curriculum which the Board of Education and Superintendent have since vetted. I deeply regret that my thoughtful responses as delivered during the Town Hall and commitment to excellence as a part of my ongoing daily instruction do not seem to resonate with you. Further, it has become abundantly clear to me that you have a deep misunderstanding of how, in fact, I am approaching the text. I think it best that you communicate…
Dear Dr. Campisi, I need to address your comments below. I have never stated in any of my communications that you have condemned law enforcement. I stated that much of this media regarding white police officers being a danger to black men has been spurred by the recent events of George Floyd as we have seen with the nationwide protests and riots. I have heard nothing of your, “Cultural Proficiency and Equity Stakeholder Group”, prior to hearing about this book being board approved without parents knowledge and an entire unit taught to the 8th grade class of this book…
October 19, 2020 Dear Mrs. Ferri: I have reviewed your email communications to me from October 11, 2020, through October 18, 2020. You reference race being at the forefront of our current climate after the murder of George Floyd. However, I organized a group of volunteers to create a Cultural Proficiency and Equity Stakeholder Group in September of 2019. The district has been undertaking Equity work for well over a year since my appointment. The district has never condemned law enforcement in any communication to the community. We have, however, spent time looking at situations from multiple perspectives.…
Dear Dr. Campisi and —-, I was extremely disappointed tonight to not only hear that this highly controversial and opinion based book is the book that will will be taught for an entire unit and it doesn’t matter what parents have to say cause its been board approved. No discussion! We get to indoctrinate your child to believe in White privilege and Systematic racism whether you agree or not, and yes, they must comply or get a zero! To hear that the District policy is being addressed because even history textbooks are opinion is just garbage. No other texts…
Hello Dr. Campisi, Yes, I will be attending the virtual townhall meeting. However, I feel you needed to be the one to address the District Policy Concerns regarding Resource Materials -2530 and specifically #2 and #4. My issue is not with politics, although the author does state that, “Obama was a star”. I am also very interested in learning how as you say, “We are undertaking teaching and learning that provides multiple perspectives.” What is the other perspective to this book? I did see that we have to submit our questions in advance and it only asked for…
Good morning Mrs. Ferri, Thank you for reaching out to me with your concerns. I have read your letter and would ask that you attend the virtual townhall meeting tomorrow night at 6 pm via Zoom and put forth your concerns. We are undertaking teaching and learning that provides multiple perspectives. Politics are not being taught, critical thinking is being taught. Students will be welcome to challenge the contents of the book and have open dialogue. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening. Respectfully yours, Joe
October 11, 2020 Dear Dr. Campisi: As you have now been made aware by several 8th grade parents, the remix book, “Stamped” by Jason Reynolds and adapted from Stamped from the Beginning by and with an introduction from Ibram X Kendi has been of major concern. Although I had heard the murmuring, I wanted to read this version myself and draw my own conclusions. To say we are in a climate where race has been brought to the forefront is an understatement. Amidst the recent events that surrounded George Floyds death has created such. When it came…