Stories from the Battlefield 
Woke activists continue to indoctrinate children with their radical distortions. The latest battleground? Children's books! Read on for the first chapter of a series on the hateful and sexually explicit material being crammed into books for kids. 
Battle on the Bookshelf: NLTE is exposing the sexually explicit and predatory content in children's books!
No Left Turn in Education is standing up against activist educators who are placing obscene, pornographic, racist, and hateful material in the hands of children. Educators with a radical social and political agenda are polluting the minds of students with their warped ideas about race, gender, sexuality, and politics. Inevitably, they damage the social and emotional well-being of children and pervert the values that form the bedrock of our society. 

Many schools are currently introducing pornographic books into the curriculum under the guise of “age appropriate” literature. Gender Queer: A Memoir shows an illustration of oral sex, and Lawn Boy graphically describes oral sex between a young boy and an adult. These books are aimed at children, yet they serve no legitimate pedagogical purpose in a minor’s education.  

These are only a few examples of the literature that is making its way into schools across America without parental consent. What should alarm all thoughtful observers is that these books and all related materials containing this content are the works of adults who intended their sexually explicit content to be read by minors. Educators who facilitate the use of these materials in the classroom are guilty of desensitizing children to sex acts and grooming them to think that children having sex is appropriate behavior. People who show explicit sexual content to minors used to be subject to prosecution, possibly even earning lifetime "sex offender" classification upon conviction. Now, they are called woke defenders! 

FEDERAL LAW makes it illegal for any person to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to transfer or distribute visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and are deemed obscene.  The law offers no refuge to teachers who do so under the guise of education.

Aside from sexually explicit material, schools are home to books that spout racist lies to vulnerable young minds. Not My Idea is a book which teaches children that white people collude with the devil. In a bizarre twist, it is now considered racist to judge others based on their character instead of their skin color. 
Ghost Boys and Something Happened in Our Town depict the police as brutal racists. Is it any wonder that more than half of Generation Z supports defunding the police? Our society is truly endangered if kids continue to be fed these radical lies. 

No Left Turn in Education is exposing what schools are concealing from parents.  We confront school boards across America who are complicit in this patently illegal behavior or who are permitting instruction that imposes the orthodoxy of the radical left on unconsenting children and unaware families. It is our duty to inform the public of serious educational issues such as these and apprise elected officials so they can act to address them accordingly.  For example, on January 5, 2022, NLTE issued a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, challenging him to investigate schools that sexually exploit children and to enforce the laws meant to protect minors.


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About NLTE: No Left Turn in Education is a national grassroots movement of common-sense parents and community members from diverse backgrounds that seeks to revive in American education the fundamental discipline of objective thinking by educating, empowering, and engaging students, parents, and community, emphasizing the role of the parent as the primary custodian and authority of their child. 
© No Left Turn in Education 2021