
Back to the Schoolhouse


To engage, educate and empower  K-12 teachers to take action in their local and state schools to preserve classical education while respecting the parent as the primary custodian and authority of their child.

Back to the Schoolhouse is a national grassroots movement of teachers from varied backgrounds who have a strong appreciation for classical education and a deep love for America’s founding principles.  We strive for academic excellence in an educational environment free from indoctrination that permits every student to reach their fullest potential.  

1. Support like-minded teachers with resources, training and content relevant to a classroom focused on classical education

2. Connect teachers with educational experts & legal resources who support our mission

3. Conduct deep dive trainings on relevant topics

4. Provide a private & secure networking platform for like-minded teachers 

5. Restore trust and build supportive relationships between parents and teachers

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