Indoctrination in Your State & District
SPARK(Students Protecting All Rights for Kids)
Camdenton R-III School District, Missouri
Submitted: 2023-04-20
(Students Protecting All Rights for Kids)
is a student-led organization that
was founded on the belief that every student deserves fair treatment and unbiased education. Every student has a right to their own personal and political beliefs, and no set of standards or curriculum should infringe upon that right. The mission of SPARK is to eradicate politically biased school work and the common core curriculum and end the indoctrination being placed upon students in America. SPARK has been pushing back on the politically biased curriculum and indoctrination by removing multiple pieces of assigned coursework from their school.
We look forward to pressing on and giving a voice to all students in America!
Supporting Documents:
Support 1:
News Article
Support 2:
News Article
Support 4:
EPOCH Times article